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  • Writer's pictureTwelve Brothers

My Two Cents!

Updated: May 30, 2022


The so-called Black American individuals who fought to live in these communities along with their children and grandchildren are mostly dead!

Also, as of 2018 there is no hope of future changes in these red-lined neighborhoods.

Why? Because time has ended as we have known it to be.

We Black folk here in so-called America are in the Biblical Tribulation and are quickly approaching The Day of the Lord!

The wicked forces called Demonic Angels and Fallen Angels situated in positions of authority in high and local places, stole these same properties from the Black Hebrew Tartarians in the first place, in the late 1800's to early 1900's,

and they are indeed well aware of this fact and also know the time at hand!

These wicked Angels disallowed our Black Hebrew Remnant to live in the homes of our forefathers and mothers, and instead gave them to their Caucasian Descendants to create a lasting wealth within their communities, a racial divide to keep out the Negros, and eventually instill a deep seeded hate among those weak in morality.

Our quaint neighborhoods with nearby schools, tree lined streets, parks, and lakes were never intended to be given back to us after they were taken.

The timing of this study, along with so many other so-called insights of the marginalized Black Americans as of late, could be used to incite violence in this increasingly racially charged era.

Why educate the Black American now at this late hour with purposely hidden truths? Is it done to cause anger? Is it done to rip the band-aid of racial tolerance off an unsuspecting public? Or will this study soften the hearts of our Caucasian friends, and as a result, cause them to play fair in this time of the Black Hebrew man, woman, and child's Great Tribulation, where we are now being mowed down in the streets by means of lies and trumped up phony charges.

However, these charges will not be known to the public as false, but will only be presented as truth on their local and or national news footage. It will be shown as what may seem like a legitimate reason for death, by policeman.

I feel there is normally no reason for death without a proper trial first!

In conclusion, this documentary is informative and well written.

It discloses truths that should have been realized decades ago.

So the release of this study is a day late and a dollar short, as the old folk use to say:)


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